List of Error Codes

This is a list of error codes that API calls may return.

An error code is always returned in the "status" block, in field "errorCode". If the error is related to a specific input parameter, you will find the name of that parameter in field "errorField".

Please also take a look at out recommended best practices for error handling.

Server errors and misconstructed requests

Error code Explanation
1000 API is under maintenance, please try again in a couple of minutes.
1001 Account not found. (It may also mean that input parameter "clientCode" is missing.)
1002 Hourly request quota (by default 2000 requests) has been exceeded for this account. Please resume next hour.
1003 Cannot connect to account database.
1005 API call name (input parameter "request") not specified, or unknown API call.
1006 This API call is not available on this account. (Account needs upgrading, or an extra module needs to be installed.)
1007 Unknown output format requested; input parameter "responseType" must be set to either "JSON" or "XML".
1008 Either a) database is under regular maintenance (please try again in a couple of minutes), or b) your application is not connecting to the correct API server. Make sure that you are using correct API URL: If your API URL is correct, it might be that your ERPLY account has been recently transferred between hosting environments and your local DNS cache is out of date (domain name is not being resolved to correct web server). Try flushing DNS cache in your computer, server, or application engine.
1009 This API call requires authentication parameters (a session key, authentication key, or service key), but none were found.

Invalid input

Error code Explanation
1010 Required parameters are missing. (Attribute "errorField" indicates the missing input parameter.)
1011 Invalid classifier ID, there is no such item. (Attribute "errorField" indicates the invalid input parameter.)
1012 A parameter must have a unique value. (Attribute "errorField" indicates the invalid input parameter.)
1013 Inconsistent parameter set (for example, both product and service IDs specified for an invoice row).
1014 Incorrect data type or format. (Attribute "errorField" indicates the invalid input parameter.)
1015 Malformed request (eg. parameters containing invalid characters).
1016 Invalid value. (Attribute "errorField" indicates the field that contains an invalid value.)
1017 Document has been confirmed and its contents and warehouse ID cannot be edited any more.
1018 Multiple matches found, all have the same attribute value. No records will be updated.
1019 No records found with this attribute value.

Miscellaneous error codes

Error code Explanation
1020 Bulk API call contained more than 100 sub-requests (max 100 allowed). The whole request has been ignored.
1021 Another instance of the same report is currently running. Please wait and try again in a minute. (For long-running reports, API processes incoming requests only one at a time.)
1022 This item cannot be deleted because there are other records that reference it.
1023 Request has product rows in wrong order, or some rows are missing. When editing a confirmed Inventory Registration, only prices can be updated (not quantities and product IDs), and the request must include all rows.
1024 "Master List" functionality has been activated - products cannot be added directly to the product catalog.
1025 This bin cannot be archived because it has quantities in it.
1026 An identical record already exists.
1027 On an existing record, it is not allowed to change the value of this field.
1028 This input field in this API call cannot be used. (Account needs upgrading, or an extra module needs to be installed.)
1029 One or more values in a comma-separated list are incorrect.
1030 Input parameter must not be an array. (Attribute "errorField" indicates the invalid input parameter.)
1040 Invalid coupon identifier - such coupon has not been issued.
1041 Invalid coupon identifier - this coupon has already been redeemed.
1042 Customer does not have enough reward points.
1043 Employee already has an appointment on that time slot. Please choose a different start and end time for appointment.
1044 Default length for this service has not been defined in Erply backend - cannot suggest possible time slots.
1045 Invalid coupon identifier - this coupon has expired.
1046 Sales Promotion - The promotion contains multiple conflicting requirements or conditions, please specify only one.
1047 Sales Promotion - Promotion requirements or conditions not specified.
1048 Sales Promotion - The promotion contains multiple conflicting awards, please specify only one.
1049 Sales Promotion - Promotion awards not specified.

Authentication failures

Error code Explanation
1050 Username/password missing.
1051 Login failed.
1052 User has been temporarily blocked because of repeated unsuccessful login attempts.
1053 No password has been set for this user, therefore the user cannot be logged in.
1054 API session has expired. Please call API "verifyUser" again (with correct credentials) to receive a new session key.
1055 Supplied session key is invalid; session not found.
1056 Supplied session key is too old. User switching is no longer possible with this session key, please perform a full re-authentication via API "verifyUser".
1057 Your time-limited demo account has expired. Please create a new ERPLY demo account, or sign up for a paid account.
1058 PIN login is not supported. Provide a user name and password instead, or use the "switchUser" API call.
1059 Unable to detect your user group.

Insufficient user rights

Error code Explanation
1060 No viewing rights (in this module/for this item).
1061 No adding rights (in this module).
1062 No editing rights (in this module/for this item).
1063 No deleting rights (in this module/for this item).
1064 User does not have access to this location (store, warehouse).
1065 This user account does not have API access. (It may be limited to POS or Erply backend operations only.)
1066 This user does not have the right to manage specified user group. (Error may occur when attempting to create a new user, or modify an existing one.)
1067 This account does not belong to a franchise and this API call cannot be used.
1068 This user cannot yet log in to Erply. A confirmation email has been sent; user needs to click a link in that email to verify their address.

Miscellaneous error codes: continued

Error code Explanation
1071 This customer can buy for a full up-front payment only.
1072 This customer does not earn new reward points.
1073 It is not possible to create an invoice from these source documents. All source documents must have the same type and same client (or the same payer).
1074 Source document cannot be an invoice, invoice-waybill, POS receipt or a credit invoice.
1075 Tax already has more than one component of this type, you must use saveVatRateComponent to add or change tax components. (Attribute "errorField" indicates the invalid input parameter.)
1076 Sales Promotion - Only promotions with type "manual" can be set to require manager's approval.
1077 This price list is not associated with this store region.
1078 The "amount" field for price list items can be used only if the "Quantity Price Lists" module has been enabled on your account.
1079 When editing a price list item, product ID can not be changed.
1080 Printing service is not running at the moment. (User can turn printing service on from their Erply account).
1081 Email sending failed.
1082 (error code no longer in use)
1083 "Master List" functionality has not been fully set up yet, some requirements are missing.
1084 Configuration parameter "master_list_unique_field" has been incorrectly set up.
1085 Compiling the email attachment (attaching sales or purchase document PDF) failed. Please try again later.
1086 No sender address was specified and Erply was not able to fall back to a default value, either — employee email or company email has not been specified.
1087 No email body text was specified and Erply was not able to fall back to a default value, either — default message body has not been specified in back office, "Settings" > "Configuration".
1090 No file attached.
1091 Attached file is not encoded with Base64.
1092 Attached file exceeds allowed size limit.
1100 New password must contain at least 8 characters.
1101 New password may only contain Latin letters and digits. (This rule is enforced by configuration parameter "password_only_alphanumeric_allowed").
1102 New password must contain at least one small letter, one capital letter and one digit.
1103 A configuration setting does not allow the user to change own password more often than once every N days.
1110 Sales Promotion - Multiple conflicting settings. A promotion must apply to all stores, or specific regions only, or specific location only, or specific store group only.
1111 Sales Promotion - Fields "purchasedProductGroupID", "purchasedProductCategoryID" or "purchasedProducts" are only allowed together with "purchasedAmount".
1112 Sales Promotion - Multiple conflicting purchase options ("purchasedProductGroupID", "purchasedProductCategoryID" or "purchasedProducts") have been specified at the same time.
1113 Sales Promotion - Fields "awardedProductGroupID", "awardedProductCategoryID", "awardedProducts", "awardedAmount" are only allowed together with "sumOFF" or "percentageOFF".
1114 Sales Promotion - Multiple conflicting award options ("awardedProductGroupID", "awardedProductCategoryID", or "awardedProducts",) have been specified at the same time.
1115 Sales Promotion - Fields "percentageOffExcludedProducts" and "percentageOffIncludedProducts" are only allowed together with "percentageOffEntirePurchase".
1116 Sales Promotion - Fields "sumOffExcludedProducts" and "sumOffIncludedProducts" are only allowed together with "sumOffEntirePurchase".
1117 Sales Promotion - Fields "priceAtLeast" and "priceAtMost" are only allowed together with "purchasedAmount".
1118 Sales Promotion - Field "maximumPointsDiscount" can only be used together with "rewardPoints" and "sumOffEntirePurchase".
1119 Sales Promotion - Field "lowestPriceItemIsAwarded" can only be used together with "sumOFF" or "percentageOFF".
1120 This account uses customer registry microservice. The list of customers, their groups and addresses is stored outside of ERPLY. Queries and updates must be sent directly to the service, using the service's own API. See the output of verifyUser for a service endpoint and authentication token.
1121 The type of a confirmed document cannot be changed.
1122 Sales Promotion - Field "specialPrice" can only be used together with "purchasedAmount".
1123 Sales Promotion - Fields "percentageOffMatchingItems" and "sumOffMatchingItems" are only allowed together with "purchasedAmount".
1124 Sales Document - For creating recurring billing invoices over API, the data model of your account needs an update. Please contact customer support.
1126 This account uses customer registry microservice. This input field in this API call cannot be used; this is a limitation of the integration.
1127 This account uses customer registry microservice. This input field in this API call is not allowed to have that value; this is a limitation of the integration.
1128 This field can only be used on Greek accounts.
1129 Sales Promotion - Flag "excludeDiscountedFromPercentageOffEntirePurchase" can only be set to 1 if you have specified "percentageOffEntirePurchase" or "sumOffPurchasedItems".
1130 Sales Document - One or more billing readings on that row are not associated with the specified billing statement or are already associated with another invoice.
1131 Sales Promotion - The purpose of the Reason Code must be "PROMOTION".
1132 Sales Promotion - Field "purchasedProductSubsidies" can only be used together with "purchasedProducts" and ("percentageOffMatchingItems" or "sumOffMatchingItems").
1133 Sales Promotion - Field "purchasedProductSubsidies" must contain exactly the same number of elements as field "purchasedProducts".
1134 Sales Promotion - Field "awardedProductSubsidies" must contain exactly the same number of elements as field "awardedProducts".
1136 This location does not have an assortment.
1137 This location's assortment contains more than 10,000 products; API is not going to return the list.
1138 The number of billing statement IDs must not exceed 500.
1139 Sales Promotion - Field "specialUnitPrice" can only be used together with "purchasedAmount".
1140 Sales Promotion - Field "maxItemsWithSpecialUnitPrice" must be equal to or larger than "purchasedAmount".
1141 Sales Promotion - Field "purchasedAmount" can only be used together with "purchasedProductGroupID", "purchasedProductCategoryID", or "purchasedProducts".
1142 This account uses coupon registry microservice and this API call is not supported.
1143 This account uses coupon registry microservice. This input field in this API call is not allowed to have that value; this is a limitation of the integration.
1144 Sales Promotion - Field "redemptionLimit" is not allowed for promotions that give % off entire invoice, require reward points or apply to an unlimited number of items.
1145 Sales Promotion - Field "redemptionLimit" can only be used together with "maxItemsWithSpecialUnitPrice" (for special unit price promotions).
1146 You do not have an employee record. Please ask a manager to create an employee record for you.
1147 You have already confirmed your compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
1148 You do not have access to customer data. Please contact your manager to receive an introduction to the General Data Protection Regulation, to get instructions about proper data protection procedures and to confirm that you will comply with them.
1149 Your account country is a non-EU country and the GDPR customer data processing log is not available. (Should you need the logging feature regardless, please let us know.)
1150 If you attempt to add a integration-specific field to a payment, you also need to set input parameter "paymentServiceProvider". See the documentation of savePayment to find out what should be the appropriate input value for "paymentServiceProvider".
1151 This product cannot be added to store price list. It already occurs in a Flyer or Manager's Special price list that is active during the same time period.
1152 This store price list cannot be updated. After the update, the price list would overlap with one or more Flyer or Manager's Special price lists that contain the same products.
1153 Inventory Registration - The purpose of the Reason Code must be "REGISTRATION".
1154 This API call does not support the old inventory module. Please contact customer support to upgrade your inventory.
1155 Creating a new account is temporarily not possible. Please try again in 5 minutes.
1156 Value must not be longer than 100 characters. (Attribute "errorField" indicates the invalid input parameter.)
1157 This sub-request in a bulk call cannot be executed. It refers to the special value "CURRENT_INVOICE_ID", but the preceding "saveSalesDocument" call returned an error code and no document was created.
1158 This sub-request in a bulk call cannot be executed. It refers to the special value "CURRENT_INVOICE_ID", but the preceding "saveSalesDocument" call was flagged as a duplicate and no document was created.
1159 This field can only be used on EU accounts.
1160 The "giftCardVatRateID" field for a payment can be used only if the payment's type is "GIFTCARD".
1161 This request is specific to POS applications, and cannot be called by other API clients.
1162 Provided list of elements is too long. (Attribute "errorField" indicates the invalid input parameter, documentation of exact call contains information about size limits.)
1170 Customer code (clientCode) is missing from Json Web Token.
1171 User doesn't have rights for Back Office. Access to Back Office can be granted in Identity.
1172 Username is missing from Json Web Token.
1173 There is no such username in Erply.
1174 This user exists but is in "pending" status. Manager has to add this user to a user group.
1175 A user with this username already exists. Cannot create a new user with this username.
1176 This is a JWT-based session and therefore Erply does not have the authority to extend or delegate the session.
1177 createInstallation() - New signups are not allowed for the provided country.
1178 This contact person cannot be used because they are another customer's contact.
1179 addInvoiceAlgorithmChange() - The "date" parameter must specify a future date.
1180 addInvoiceAlgorithmChange() - Provided version number is not allowed for this account.
1181 Provided stocktaking is already confirmed.
1182 Sales Promotion - Flag "excludePromotionItemsFromPercentageOffEntirePurchase" can only be set to 1 if you have specified "percentageOffEntirePurchase".
1183 CDN integration has been enabled. This request should be done against CDN API.
1184 Sales Promotion - Field "maximumNumberOfMatchingItems" can only be used together with "percentageOffMatchingItems" or "sumOffMatchingItems".
1185 Sales Promotion - Field "maximumNumberOfMatchingItems" must be equal to or larger than "purchasedAmount".
1186 Inventory Registration, Inventory Write-Off - Provided Inventory Stocktaking is already connected to document of such type.
1187 Configuration related to this call is missing, check call's documentation.
1188 Configuration related to this call is invalid, check call's documentation.
1189 POS Store Quick Buttons - Provided warehouse doesnt have local quick buttons enabled.
1190 Account in the given JWT is not valid for this request. This means that the token was generated for a different account than the request was made for.
1191 JWT decoding failed. This means that the provided token is in incorrect format or decoding failed due to invalid fingerprints.
1194 JWT expired. The used JWT ttl has passed and cannot be used.
1195 This language code is not supported.
1196 New password has already been used in the past. Password history checks feature has been enabled on this account.
1197 Sales Promotion - Only one of the following one time options can be active at the same time: use only once, use once a day and on birthday
1198 Sales Promotion - Cannot enable once per birthday when the is birthday promotion option is disabled.
1199 Sales Promotion - "onlyForDiscountedItems" flag is set to true on this promotion. This can only be set on a promotion that follows the "% or $ off specific items", the "% off everything", or the "$ off the purchase" rule formulas. Disable the flag or adjust the rule.
1200 Sales Promotion - Field "redemptionLimit" can only be used together with "maximumNumberOfMatchingItems" (for multi-buy promotions).
1201 IP whitelisting feature has been enabled. The request is made from an IP that is not allowed to use the API.
1202 This user is considered an administrator. For administrators, there is a minimum required password length specified in account configuration; this password is shorter than that.
1203 This user is considered an administrator. Administrator’s password must contain at least one special character.
1204 The document is already being processed. This means that the same document received more than 1 concurrent requests. Try again in a few minutes.
1205 The request has exceeded maximum set update delay. This is issue is caused when the same document is being edited by multiple requests and the set maximum wait period has been reached. Try again in a few minutes.
1206 A document with this UUID has already been processed. If this is not true then the source uuid value of the request needs to be updated.
1207 Sales Promotion - Field "purchaseTotalValueMax" can only be used together with "purchaseTotalValue".
1208 Sales Promotion - Field "purchaseTotalValueMax" must be larger than "purchaseTotalValue".
1209 Identity public key is temporarily unavailable; the supplied JSON Web Token could not be validated, or a new token cannot be issued. Please try again shortly.
1210 Field "reasonID" can only be used for purchase returns.
1211 This user is not allowed to confirm a document.
1212 Account has been configured to use the login app for logins. Please use the login app to log in.
1213 Default language has not been defined.
1214 Invalid file content. The uploaded file content does not seem to be valid with its given extension.
1215 Requests for this partner have been blocked by the account configuration.
1216 Field "eInvoiceBuyerID" can only be used for invoice-waybills, invoices, credit invoices and sales orders.
1217 Field "deliveryDate" can only be used for purchase orders.
1218 The request accepts only one new document from each register at a time. Try again in a few minutes.
1219 Your current password has expired. Please go to Erply login app and enter your current credentials again; after a successful login you can set a new password.
1220 Account has been deleted.
1221 Input parameter "searchAttributeName" specified without corresponding "searchAttributeValue".
1222 Too many attribute search name-value pairs. You can search by at most three attributes.
1223 This is a restricted product priority group and cannot be used.
1224 Sales Promotion - Field "negativePricesAllowed" can only be used for "sum off of items" promotions.
1225 Recurring billing is already being processed. Try again in a few minutes.
1226 Recurring billing processing failed.
1227 The customer cannot be saved with the supplied ID, because there already is an employee or a supplier with the same ID.
1228 Sales Promotion - Field "highestPriceItemIsAwarded" can only be used together with "sumOFF" or "percentageOFF".
1229 Sales Promotion - Multiple conflicting options ("lowestPriceItemIsAwarded" and "highestPriceItemIsAwarded") have been specified at the same time.
1230 Sales Promotion - Field "purchasedProductGroupIDsAndQuantities" can only be used together with "sumOffPurchasedItems" or "percentageOffPurchasedItems".
1231 Sales Promotion - Multiple conflicting options ("sumOffPurchasedItems" and "percentageOffPurchasedItems") have been specified at the same time.
1233 Sales Promotion - Field "prerequisitePromotionID" can only be used together with "sumOffEntirePurchase" or "percentageOffEntirePurchase".
1232 Login is not allowed. The user has a two-step authorization set up.
1234 createInstallation() - New signups are not allowed for the provided email.