1071 |
This customer can buy for a full up-front payment only. |
1072 |
This customer does not earn new reward points. |
1073 |
It is not possible to create an invoice from these source documents. All source documents must have the same type and same client (or the same payer). |
1074 |
Source document cannot be an invoice, invoice-waybill, POS receipt or a credit invoice. |
1075 |
Tax already has more than one component of this type, you must use saveVatRateComponent to add or change tax components. (Attribute "errorField" indicates the invalid input parameter.) |
1076 |
Sales Promotion - Only promotions with type "manual" can be set to require manager's approval. |
1077 |
This price list is not associated with this store region. |
1078 |
The "amount" field for price list items can be used only if the "Quantity Price Lists" module has been enabled on your account. |
1079 |
When editing a price list item, product ID can not be changed. |
1080 |
Printing service is not running at the moment. (User can turn printing service on from their Erply account). |
1081 |
Email sending failed. |
1082 |
(error code no longer in use) |
1083 |
"Master List" functionality has not been fully set up yet, some requirements are missing. |
1084 |
Configuration parameter "master_list_unique_field" has been incorrectly set up. |
1085 |
Compiling the email attachment (attaching sales or purchase document PDF) failed. Please try again later. |
1086 |
No sender address was specified and Erply was not able to fall back to a default value, either — employee email or company email has not been specified. |
1087 |
No email body text was specified and Erply was not able to fall back to a default value, either — default message body has not been specified in back office, "Settings" > "Configuration". |
1090 |
No file attached. |
1091 |
Attached file is not encoded with Base64. |
1092 |
Attached file exceeds allowed size limit. |
1100 |
New password must contain at least 8 characters. |
1101 |
New password may only contain Latin letters and digits. (This rule is enforced by configuration parameter "password_only_alphanumeric_allowed"). |
1102 |
New password must contain at least one small letter, one capital letter and one digit. |
1103 |
A configuration setting does not allow the user to change own password more often than once every N days. |
1110 |
Sales Promotion - Multiple conflicting settings. A promotion must apply to all stores, or specific regions only, or specific location only, or specific store group only. |
1111 |
Sales Promotion - Fields "purchasedProductGroupID", "purchasedProductCategoryID" or "purchasedProducts" are only allowed together with "purchasedAmount". |
1112 |
Sales Promotion - Multiple conflicting purchase options ("purchasedProductGroupID", "purchasedProductCategoryID" or "purchasedProducts") have been specified at the same time. |
1113 |
Sales Promotion - Fields "awardedProductGroupID", "awardedProductCategoryID", "awardedProducts", "awardedAmount" are only allowed together with "sumOFF" or "percentageOFF". |
1114 |
Sales Promotion - Multiple conflicting award options ("awardedProductGroupID", "awardedProductCategoryID", or "awardedProducts",) have been specified at the same time. |
1115 |
Sales Promotion - Fields "percentageOffExcludedProducts" and "percentageOffIncludedProducts" are only allowed together with "percentageOffEntirePurchase". |
1116 |
Sales Promotion - Fields "sumOffExcludedProducts" and "sumOffIncludedProducts" are only allowed together with "sumOffEntirePurchase". |
1117 |
Sales Promotion - Fields "priceAtLeast" and "priceAtMost" are only allowed together with "purchasedAmount". |
1118 |
Sales Promotion - Field "maximumPointsDiscount" can only be used together with "rewardPoints" and "sumOffEntirePurchase". |
1119 |
Sales Promotion - Field "lowestPriceItemIsAwarded" can only be used together with "sumOFF" or "percentageOFF". |
1120 |
This account uses customer registry microservice. The list of customers, their groups and addresses is stored outside of ERPLY. Queries and updates must be sent directly to the service, using the service's own API. See the output of verifyUser for a service endpoint and authentication token. |
1121 |
The type of a confirmed document cannot be changed. |
1122 |
Sales Promotion - Field "specialPrice" can only be used together with "purchasedAmount". |
1123 |
Sales Promotion - Fields "percentageOffMatchingItems" and "sumOffMatchingItems" are only allowed together with "purchasedAmount". |
1124 |
Sales Document - For creating recurring billing invoices over API, the data model of your account needs an update. Please contact customer support. |
1126 |
This account uses customer registry microservice. This input field in this API call cannot be used; this is a limitation of the integration. |
1127 |
This account uses customer registry microservice. This input field in this API call is not allowed to have that value; this is a limitation of the integration. |
1128 |
This field can only be used on Greek accounts. |
1129 |
Sales Promotion - Flag "excludeDiscountedFromPercentageOffEntirePurchase" can only be set to 1 if you have specified "percentageOffEntirePurchase" or "sumOffPurchasedItems". |
1130 |
Sales Document - One or more billing readings on that row are not associated with the specified billing statement or are already associated with another invoice. |
1131 |
Sales Promotion - The purpose of the Reason Code must be "PROMOTION". |
1132 |
Sales Promotion - Field "purchasedProductSubsidies" can only be used together with "purchasedProducts" and ("percentageOffMatchingItems" or "sumOffMatchingItems"). |
1133 |
Sales Promotion - Field "purchasedProductSubsidies" must contain exactly the same number of elements as field "purchasedProducts". |
1134 |
Sales Promotion - Field "awardedProductSubsidies" must contain exactly the same number of elements as field "awardedProducts". |
1136 |
This location does not have an assortment. |
1137 |
This location's assortment contains more than 10,000 products; API is not going to return the list. |
1138 |
The number of billing statement IDs must not exceed 500. |
1139 |
Sales Promotion - Field "specialUnitPrice" can only be used together with "purchasedAmount". |
1140 |
Sales Promotion - Field "maxItemsWithSpecialUnitPrice" must be equal to or larger than "purchasedAmount". |
1141 |
Sales Promotion - Field "purchasedAmount" can only be used together with "purchasedProductGroupID", "purchasedProductCategoryID", or "purchasedProducts". |
1142 |
This account uses coupon registry microservice and this API call is not supported. |
1143 |
This account uses coupon registry microservice. This input field in this API call is not allowed to have that value; this is a limitation of the integration. |
1144 |
Sales Promotion - Field "redemptionLimit" is not allowed for promotions that give % off entire invoice, require reward points or apply to an unlimited number of items. |
1145 |
Sales Promotion - Field "redemptionLimit" can only be used together with "maxItemsWithSpecialUnitPrice" (for special unit price promotions). |
1146 |
You do not have an employee record. Please ask a manager to create an employee record for you. |
1147 |
You have already confirmed your compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. |
1148 |
You do not have access to customer data. Please contact your manager to receive an introduction to the General Data Protection Regulation, to get instructions about proper data protection procedures and to confirm that you will comply with them. |
1149 |
Your account country is a non-EU country and the GDPR customer data processing log is not available. (Should you need the logging feature regardless, please let us know.) |
1150 |
If you attempt to add a integration-specific field to a payment, you also need to set input parameter "paymentServiceProvider". See the documentation of savePayment to find out what should be the appropriate input value for "paymentServiceProvider". |
1151 |
This product cannot be added to store price list. It already occurs in a Flyer or Manager's Special price list that is active during the same time period. |
1152 |
This store price list cannot be updated. After the update, the price list would overlap with one or more Flyer or Manager's Special price lists that contain the same products. |
1153 |
Inventory Registration - The purpose of the Reason Code must be "REGISTRATION". |
1154 |
This API call does not support the old inventory module. Please contact customer support to upgrade your inventory. |
1155 |
Creating a new account is temporarily not possible. Please try again in 5 minutes. |
1156 |
Value must not be longer than 100 characters. (Attribute "errorField" indicates the invalid input parameter.) |
1157 |
This sub-request in a bulk call cannot be executed. It refers to the special value "CURRENT_INVOICE_ID", but the preceding "saveSalesDocument" call returned an error code and no document was created. |
1158 |
This sub-request in a bulk call cannot be executed. It refers to the special value "CURRENT_INVOICE_ID", but the preceding "saveSalesDocument" call was flagged as a duplicate and no document was created. |
1159 |
This field can only be used on EU accounts. |
1160 |
The "giftCardVatRateID" field for a payment can be used only if the payment's type is "GIFTCARD". |
1161 |
This request is specific to POS applications, and cannot be called by other API clients. |
1162 |
Provided list of elements is too long. (Attribute "errorField" indicates the invalid input parameter, documentation of exact call contains information about size limits.) |
1170 |
Customer code (clientCode) is missing from Json Web Token. |
1171 |
User doesn't have rights for Back Office. Access to Back Office can be granted in Identity. |
1172 |
Username is missing from Json Web Token. |
1173 |
There is no such username in Erply. |
1174 |
This user exists but is in "pending" status. Manager has to add this user to a user group. |
1175 |
A user with this username already exists. Cannot create a new user with this username. |
1176 |
This is a JWT-based session and therefore Erply does not have the authority to extend or delegate the session. |
1177 |
createInstallation() - New signups are not allowed for the provided country. |
1178 |
This contact person cannot be used because they are another customer's contact. |
1179 |
addInvoiceAlgorithmChange() - The "date" parameter must specify a future date. |
1180 |
addInvoiceAlgorithmChange() - Provided version number is not allowed for this account. |
1181 |
Provided stocktaking is already confirmed. |
1182 |
Sales Promotion - Flag "excludePromotionItemsFromPercentageOffEntirePurchase" can only be set to 1 if you have specified "percentageOffEntirePurchase". |
1183 |
CDN integration has been enabled. This request should be done against CDN API. |
1184 |
Sales Promotion - Field "maximumNumberOfMatchingItems" can only be used together with "percentageOffMatchingItems" or "sumOffMatchingItems". |
1185 |
Sales Promotion - Field "maximumNumberOfMatchingItems" must be equal to or larger than "purchasedAmount". |
1186 |
Inventory Registration, Inventory Write-Off - Provided Inventory Stocktaking is already connected to document of such type. |
1187 |
Configuration related to this call is missing, check call's documentation. |
1188 |
Configuration related to this call is invalid, check call's documentation. |
1189 |
POS Store Quick Buttons - Provided warehouse doesnt have local quick buttons enabled. |
1190 |
Account in the given JWT is not valid for this request. This means that the token was generated for a different account than the request was made for. |
1191 |
JWT decoding failed. This means that the provided token is in incorrect format or decoding failed due to invalid fingerprints. |
1194 |
JWT expired. The used JWT ttl has passed and cannot be used. |
1195 |
This language code is not supported. |
1196 |
New password has already been used in the past. Password history checks feature has been enabled on this account. |
1197 |
Sales Promotion - Only one of the following one time options can be active at the same time: use only once, use once a day and on birthday |
1198 |
Sales Promotion - Cannot enable once per birthday when the is birthday promotion option is disabled. |
1199 |
Sales Promotion - "onlyForDiscountedItems" flag is set to true on this promotion. This can only be set on a promotion that follows the "% or $ off specific items", the "% off everything", or the "$ off the purchase" rule formulas. Disable the flag or adjust the rule. |
1200 |
Sales Promotion - Field "redemptionLimit" can only be used together with "maximumNumberOfMatchingItems" (for multi-buy promotions). |
1201 |
IP whitelisting feature has been enabled. The request is made from an IP that is not allowed to use the API. |
1202 |
This user is considered an administrator. For administrators, there is a minimum required password length specified in account configuration; this password is shorter than that. |
1203 |
This user is considered an administrator. Administrator’s password must contain at least one special character. |
1204 |
The document is already being processed. This means that the same document received more than 1 concurrent requests. Try again in a few minutes. |
1205 |
The request has exceeded maximum set update delay. This is issue is caused when the same document is being edited by multiple requests and the set maximum wait period has been reached. Try again in a few minutes. |
1206 |
A document with this UUID has already been processed. If this is not true then the source uuid value of the request needs to be updated. |
1207 |
Sales Promotion - Field "purchaseTotalValueMax" can only be used together with "purchaseTotalValue". |
1208 |
Sales Promotion - Field "purchaseTotalValueMax" must be larger than "purchaseTotalValue". |
1209 |
Identity public key is temporarily unavailable; the supplied JSON Web Token could not be validated, or a new token cannot be issued. Please try again shortly. |
1210 |
Field "reasonID" can only be used for purchase returns. |
1211 |
This user is not allowed to confirm a document. |
1212 |
Account has been configured to use the login app for logins. Please use the login app to log in. |
1213 |
Default language has not been defined. |
1214 |
Invalid file content. The uploaded file content does not seem to be valid with its given extension. |
1215 |
Requests for this partner have been blocked by the account configuration. |
1216 |
Field "eInvoiceBuyerID" can only be used for invoice-waybills, invoices, credit invoices and sales orders. |
1217 |
Field "deliveryDate" can only be used for purchase orders. |
1218 |
The request accepts only one new document from each register at a time. Try again in a few minutes. |
1219 |
Your current password has expired. Please go to Erply login app and enter your current credentials again; after a successful login you can set a new password. |
1220 |
Account has been deleted. |
1221 |
Input parameter "searchAttributeName" specified without corresponding "searchAttributeValue". |
1222 |
Too many attribute search name-value pairs. You can search by at most three attributes. |
1223 |
This is a restricted product priority group and cannot be used. |
1224 |
Sales Promotion - Field "negativePricesAllowed" can only be used for "sum off of items" promotions. |
1225 |
Recurring billing is already being processed. Try again in a few minutes. |
1226 |
Recurring billing processing failed. |
1227 |
The customer cannot be saved with the supplied ID, because there already is an employee or a supplier with the same ID. |
1228 |
Sales Promotion - Field "highestPriceItemIsAwarded" can only be used together with "sumOFF" or "percentageOFF". |
1229 |
Sales Promotion - Multiple conflicting options ("lowestPriceItemIsAwarded" and "highestPriceItemIsAwarded") have been specified at the same time. |
1230 |
Sales Promotion - Field "purchasedProductGroupIDsAndQuantities" can only be used together with "sumOffPurchasedItems" or "percentageOffPurchasedItems". |
1231 |
Sales Promotion - Multiple conflicting options ("sumOffPurchasedItems" and "percentageOffPurchasedItems") have been specified at the same time. |
1233 |
Sales Promotion - Field "prerequisitePromotionID" can only be used together with "sumOffEntirePurchase" or "percentageOffEntirePurchase". |
1232 |
Login is not allowed. The user has a two-step authorization set up. |
1234 |
createInstallation() - New signups are not allowed for the provided email. |