
Add a new points transaction and increase customer's point balance.

Typically, reward points accumulate automatically from customer's purchases. You can define the "dollar spent / points earned" ratio in Erply backend, SETTINGS → Configuration → Invoices and Sales. This API function is only for adjusting customer's point balance manually, or for building a custom loyalty program.

To subtract points from customer, see subtractCustomerRewardPoints. To get current point balance for a specific customer, see getCustomerRewardPoints. (There is currently no way to retrieve point balances for all customers simultaneously.)

If you are building a custom loyalty program, you may also take a look at getEarnedRewardPointRecords and getUsedRewardPointRecords — to retrieve a detailed list of all transactions where customer has earned or spent points.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
customerID Customer ID. integer
invoiceID Invoice ID. Sale that earned the points. integer
points Points must be bigger then 0. integer
createdUnixTime integer Unix timestamp. Transaction timestamp.
expiryUnixTime integer Unix timestamp. Expiry timestamp.
pointOfSaleID Register ID. Available only if "Reward point extras" module is enabled on your account. integer
employeeID Cashier who processed the sale. Available only if "Reward point extras" module is enabled on your account. integer
description Available only if "Reward point extras" module is enabled on your account. string


Field name Type Description
transactionID integer ID of the newly-created item.
customerID integer
points integer
createdUnixTime Unix timestamp
expiryUnixTime Unix timestamp

This API call returns error 1006 if "Reward points" module is not enabled on your account.