
Convert a language identifier used in Berlin POS (eg. "en", "ee", "fr" or "cn") into a language identifier used by Erply API.

Many API calls take an input parameter "lang". With this API call you can check what value to use to retrieve product names, product group names, payment methods etc. in a specific language: French, Turkish or any other.

This API call implements two important checks/features:

  • For some languages, an existing language identifier has been overridden (reused); eg. in Erply, on Canadian accounts, French uses the language identifier "lat" (!)
  • It checks what languages are actually installed on your account. If you request Turkish, but this language has not been installed on your account, the API call will point you to a most appropriate fallback, typically English ("eng").

This call is specific to Berlin POS. For a more useful alternative, see getActiveLanguages.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
posLanguageIdentifier Language identifier from Berlin POS. (Berlin POS uses application-specific language identifiers; ISO-639 identifiers will not work.) string yes


Field name Type Description
apiLanguageIdentifier string Language identifier to be used in API calls.