
Get product quantities on Purchase Orders that have not been fulfilled yet.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
warehouseID integer yes
productID Retrieve one specific product. integer
groupID Retrieve products in this specific product group. (See getProductGroups.) integer
groupIDWithSubgroups Retrieve products in this product group, or in any of its sub-groups, sub-subgroups etc. integer
supplierID Retrieve products of this supplier. (See getSuppliers.) integer
brandID Retrieve products of this brand. (See getBrands.) integer
priorityGroupID Retrieve products in this priority group. (See getProductPriorityGroups.) integer
categoryID Retrieve products in this specific category. (See getProductCategories.) integer
categoryIDWithSubcategories Retrieve products in this category, or in any of its sub-categories, sub-sub-categories etc. integer
getProductsWithReorderPointDefined If set to 1, API returns only products with Reorder Point defined. integer
getProductsWithRestockLevelDefined If set to 1, API returns only products with Restock Level defined. integer
getOnlyConfirmedPurchaseOrders integer


Field name Type Description
productID integer Product ID.
amount Decimal

This API call may return a lot of data (tens of thousands of records) and the output is non-pageable. If you have a large database, API may be unable to serve the request — you will get an error code or empty output. However, there is an alternative way: you may request output in CSV format.

To retrieve output as CSV, specify responseType = "CSV". API will respond you in JSON, providing a link to a CSV file::


The CSV file is in "latin1" encoding. Field separator is comma. All fields, including decimal fields, are quoted.