
Retrieve billing statement readings.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
billingStatementID Billing statement ID. integer
changedSince Retrieve only items that have been added or modified since the specified timestamp. Use it to keep a local database in sync with Erply. Integer (Unix timestamp)
recordsOnPage Number of records API should return. By default 20, at most 100. integer
pageNo API returns at most recordsOnPage items at a time. To retrieve the next recordsOnPage items, send a new request with pageNo incremented by one. By default, API returns "page 1". integer


Field name Type Description
readingID integer Reading ID.
billingStatementID integer Billing statement ID.
date string Format: yyyy-mm-dd
reading Decimal
added integer Unix timestamp. Creation time.
lastModified integer Unix timestamp. Last modification time.