
Get information about the company running the account.

Note that Erply allows to set different contact information for each store (location, warehouse). Each store may have a different phone number, e-mail address, postal address. In Erply back office, you can set that on location card.

Even company name, registry number and VAT number can be customized per-location — although you will probably need that only if your company is a franchise chain consisting of different corporate entities; and you are using a single Erply account, instead of a separate account for each entity.

To retrieve per-location information, see API getWarehouses. Only if a location does not have eg. a phone number, you can fall back to the corporate phone number.

This data set can be edited with API call editCompanyInfo.


Field name Type Description
id integer Record ID. You do not need to use this field, because getCompanyInfo always outputs one single record.
name string Company name. DEPRECATED — companyName and companyTypeID are recommended instead.
companyName string Company name.
companyTypeID integer Company type ID. To retrieve a list of company types, see getCompanyTypes.
code string Company's registry code
VAT string Company's VAT number
phone string Corporate phone number
mobile string Corporate cellphone number
fax string Corporate fax number
email string Corporate e-mail address
web string Website address
bankName string Name of company's bank.
bankAccountNumber string Number of company's bank account.
bankIBAN string IBAN number of company's bank account.
bankSWIFT string BIC/SWIFT identifier of company's bank account.
bankName2 string Name of company's bank.
bankAccountNumber2 string Number of company's bank account.
bankIBAN2 string IBAN number of company's bank account.
bankSWIFT2 string BIC/SWIFT identifier of company's bank account.
address string Full postal address. Company may have several addresses defined; this API call returns only the first one of these.
***** The same address as above, split into components:
street String (65536) Street address (or more generally, address line 1).
address2 String (65536) Street address, line 2.
city String (255) City, region, or county.
ZIPcode String (16) Postal code or ZIP code.
state String (255) State.
country String (255) DO NOT USE THIS FIELD. See getConfParameters → "country" instead (to check which country settings this Erply account runs with).
defaultClientID integer DEPRECATED — getConfParameters → "default_client_idDat" is recommended instead.

The ID of default POS customer. Note that each POS register may actually have a different default customer; this is just the fallback value. See getPointsOfSale.
invoiceRounding number DEPRECATED — getConfParameters → "invoice_rounding" is recommended instead.

The rounding setting applied to sales invoices . Possible values: 0.01 (no rounding), 0.05 (rounding to nearest 5 sub-units - cents, pennies etc.), 0.1, 1 (rounding to the nearest unit - euro, dollar or pound)
defaultCurrency string DEPRECATED — getConfParameters → "default_currency" is recommended instead.

The 3-letter currency code of account's default currency (eg. "USD")
intermediatorCode string Intermediator code.
eInvoiceAddress string E-Invoice address.