
Retrieve an "X Report" or "Z Report".

X / Z Report is a report of POS transactions and payments. The output is identical, but an X report is typically printed during the day, and a Z report at the end of the day, after counting the cash drawer.

X / Z Report can be retrieved either as structured data or HTML.

For other reports, see the following API calls:

To get day's payment totals by type (before the cashier starts counting the cash in the drawer), see the API call getPointOfSaleDayTotals.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required

The report to retrieve. Possible values: "ZReport", "SalesReport", "totalTax".

The "SalesReport" and "totalTax" reports are customer-specific formats and not documented, so "ZReport" is the only option that can be actually used.

string yes
dayID If set, report will contain only the transactions in a specific POS or for a specific drawer depending if shift type is set to POS or drawers. Cannot be used together with pointOfSaleID and warehouseID. API will return error code 1013 if these parameters are used together. integer
pointOfSaleID If set, report will contain only the transactions in a specific POS. integer
warehouseID If set, report will contain only the transactions in a specific store / warehouse. integer
salesManagerID If set, report will contain only the transactions of a specific cashier / associate / salesperson / sales manager. integer
currencyCode If set, report will contain only the transactions in a specific currency. integer
dateStart Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
dateEnd Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
getShortReport 0 or 1
format By default API returns structured data. Set format to "HTML" to retrieve an HTML report string


Field name Type Description
htm string If HTML format was selected, this variable contains the report HTML.
STRUCTURED DATA array To be documented.