
Get recent daily sales by store (location).

This a concise data set that suits best for displaying a graph. To get a full sales report, see getSalesReport.

See also getSalesTotalsByEmployeeAndDay, getSalesTotalsByEmployeeAndMonth, and getSalesTotalsByWarehouseAndMonth.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required

Number of warehouses (locations) to retrieve. By default, API returns 50 locations (top locations by total sales during the selected period).

50 is also the largest number that can be requested, but this limit can be changed with a configuration parameter.


Number of days. Specifying numberOfPeriods = 5 will return data for the last 5 days, including today.

By default, API returns last 30 days. 30 is also the largest number that can be requested, but this limit can be changed with a configuration parameter.



Field name Type Description
total number Total sales. In US, this is net sales total. In other countries, this is the sales total with VAT.
date ISO date (yyyy-mm-dd)
warehouseID integer