
Returns a list of users, along with their access rights. See the saveUser for user adding or editing.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
userID Optional user ID to retrieve one specific user data. Either userID or getCurrentUser can be set, but not both at the same time. integer
getCurrentUser Set to 1 to get the rights of the current user. Integer(0 or 1)
recordsOnPage Number of records API should return. By default 20, at most 100. integer
pageNo API returns at most recordsOnPage items at a time. To retrieve the next recordsOnPage items, send a new request with pageNo incremented by one. By default, API returns "page 1". integer


Field name Type Description
userID integer
userName string
groupID integer ID of the user group where the user belongs
maxDiscount integer Max. allowed sales discount
cardCode string Deprecated. This field is always empty.
rightGiveCustomerCredit string Right to set customers' credit limits and to deny credit.Possible values: "0","1".
rightCreateInventoryRegistrations string Right to create inventory registrations.Possible values: "0","1".
rightCreateInventoryAmortizations string Right to create inventory amortizations.Possible values: "0","1".
rightMakePOSRefunds string Right to void transactions in POS and accept returns with receipt.Possible values: "0","1".
rightMakePOSReturnsWithoutReceipt integer Right to accept returns without receipt.Possible values: 0,1.
rightApplyPromotions integer Right to apply promotions manually or by typing in a coupon code.Possible values: 0,1.
rightChangePrices integer Right to edit prices on sales invoices.Possible values: 0,1.
rightEditConfirmedInvoices string Right to edit confirmed invoices.Possible values: "0","1". DEPRECATED — modules['invoices']['edit'] is recommended instead.
rightChangeInvoiceDate integer Right to edit the date on sales invoices.Possible values: 0,1.
rightEditStockAndProductCost integer Right to edit stock and product cost directly on product card.Possible values: 0,1.
rightChangePricesOnPurchaseOrders integer Right to edit prices on purchase orders.Possible values: 0,1.
rightChangeConfirmedPurchaseInvoices integer Right to edit confirmed purchase orders and purchase documents.Possible values: 0,1. DEPRECATED — modules['purchases']['edit'] is recommended instead.
rightEditPriceOnReturnWithoutReceiptInPOS integer Right to edit item price on return without receipt (Berlin POS only). Possible values: 0,1.
rightMakeDiscountInPOS integer Right to make discounts in POS (Offline POS only). Possible values: 0,1.

NB!! If API does not return this attribute, assume that the default value is 1.
rightOpenAndCloseDay integer Right to open / close day (Offline POS only).Possible values: 0,1.

NB!! If API does not return this attribute, assume that the default value is 1.
rightEditActualReports integer Right to add and edit Actual Reports printout templates. Possible values: 0,1.
rightAddRewardPoints integer Right to edit customers' reward point amounts. Possible values: 0,1.
rightPOSManagerOverride integer Indicates that this user is a "store manager"-level employee, and may give manager's approval to POS operations that require it (eg. applying certain promotions or discounts). Possible values: 0,1.
rightEditRetailChainPriceLists integer Right to create and edit price lists with other types besides "Store Price List". Possible values: 0,1.
rightNegativePrices integer Right to set negative prices on sales documents (Brazil POS only). Possible values: 0,1.
rightChangePOSVersion integer Right to change POS version (Brazil POS only). Possible values: 0,1.
added integer Unix timestamp. Creation time.
addedByUserName string
lastModified integer Unix timestamp. Last modification time.
lastModifiedByUserName string
warehouses array Keys of the array correspond to warehouse IDs. Each item has the following attributes:

Field nameTypeDescription
warehouseIDIntegerWarehouse ID
rightStringPossible values: "0", "1"
modules array Keys of the array correspond to names of modules. Each item has the following attributes:

Field nameTypeDescription
viewIntegerPossible values: 0, 1(added by myself), 2(all)
addIntegerPossible values: 0, 1
editIntegerPossible values: 0, 1(added by myself), 2(all), 3 (added by myself (unconfirmed)), 4 (unconfirmed only)
deleteIntegerPossible values: 0, 1(added by myself), 2(all)

List of inventory related modules:
Module nameDescription
prodgroupsProduct and Service Groups
prodseriesProduct Categories
pricelistsPrice Lists
supplier_pricelistsSupplier Price Lists
storeRegionsStore regions
prodinsInventory Registrations
prodamortsInventory Write-Offs
prodmovesInventory Transfers
stockPhysical Stocktakings
parameter_groupsParameter groups
products_quick_docsPick items to create an order
delivery_conditionsDelivery conditions
product_familiesProduct Families (new PIM)
parameter_setsParameter Sets (new PIM)

List of sales related modules:
Module nameDescription
ordersSales orders
financeExport to accounting

List of retail chain related modules:
Module nameDescription
campaignsSales Promotions
promotion_tiersPromotion tiers
issuedcouponsIssued coupons
webshop_giftcardsGift Cards
webshop_giftcard_typesGift Card Types
day_openings_closingsDay Openings and Closings
cash_ins_outsCash In & Out
webshop_pagesWebshop pages

List of assignments related modules:
Module nameDescription

List of configuration related modules:
Module nameDescription
posconfsPOS Associations

List of reports related modules:
Module nameDescription
report_emplTimeclock report and employee commission
report_generatorReport generator
report_invoice_overOverdue invoices
report_promotionsCoupons, Gift Cards and Store Credit
report_purchase_planningCentral Purchasing Report
report_sales_invoice_notpaidUnpaid Invoices and Balance Statements Report
report_taxTax Report
report_warehouseInventory reports
report_warehouse_stockminmaxStock Replenishment Report
z_reportPoint of Sale and Payments Report (Z Report)
transaction_registryTransaction registry (reporting)

List of other modules:
Module nameDescription
store_manager_settingsStore Manager's Settings (Brazil POS)