
Upload company logo.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
imageContent Image content in base64. Use base64_encode($imagefile). Image yes
imageMimeType Image mime-type, allowed types are image/gif, image/jpeg and image/png. string yes
imageType Image type.Possible values:
"INVOICE_IMAGE" - This logo will be shown on invoice printouts and be considered as the "official" logo.
"CASHRECEIPT_IMAGE" - This logo will be shown on receipts.
"INVOICE_AND_RECEIPT_IMAGE" - Upload the same image for both invoices and receipts.
"INVOICE_SIGNATRURE" - Signature replica that will be shown on invoice printouts.
string yes


Field name Type Description
imageName string Name of the added item.
imageName2 string Name of the added item. If image type is "INVOICE_AND_RECEIPT_IMAGE", returns also this parameter.