
Create or update a payment type.

To retrieve existing payment types, see getPaymentTypes.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
paymentTypeID Set this field to edit an existing payment type. Omit to add a new type. integer
type A code name for this payment type.

In savePayment and getPayments API calls, you can refer to a payment type either by ID or by code name. Code name may be more convenient when working with standard payment types (CASH, CARD etc.). However, you can give code names to your own custom types, too.

Standard types that Erply recognizes (there may be standard functionality attached to payments of these type) are: CASH, CARD, CREDIT, GIFTCARD, CHECK, TRANSFER, TIP.
name Payment type name. Use either general parameter "name" or one or more of the following parameters if you need to set the names in specific languages. string
nameEST string
nameENG string
nameLAT string
nameRUS string
nameFIN string
print_name Name on receipt. Use either general parameter "print_name" or one or more of the following parameters if you need to set the names in specific languages. string
print_nameEST string
print_nameENG string
print_nameLAT string
print_nameRUS string
print_nameFIN string
quickBooksDebitAccount Quick Books debit account string


Field name Type Description
paymentTypeID integer ID of the newly-created or updated item