
This API call is used to sign into back office through Launchpad. It verifies if the Json Web Token is correct, Erply account is integrated with Identity and creates a new session. An error is returned if user doesn't exist in Erply or hasn't been assigned to a user group.

A JWT is always connected to a single session.

As long as the session is valid then the same one will be returned with this call. If a session does not exist or has expired then a new one will be created with the same lifetime as the JWT.

Alternatively a session key can be used to retrieve the JWT with getIdentityToken.

Here is the intended use case explained in more detail.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
jwt Json Web Token that must contain customer's account number and the right to use the 'Erply back office' app. string yes


Field name Type Description
sessionKey string A created session key.
backofficeURL string Back office URL.