
Look up a Master List product by code. You can use configuration parameter "master_list_min_search_string_length" to set minimum length for the input value. By default 3. You can also use configuration parameter "master_list_max_search_results" to set number of records returned by the request. By default 100.

For other Master List-related API calls, see saveMasterListProducts and copyMasterListProductsToErply.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
searchCode Search for a product by code or EAN/UPC. Returns all items where beginning of the code (or the EAN/UPC) matches. If the length of this field's value is less than configuration parameter "master_list_min_search_string_length", API returns error 1014. string yes


Field name Type Description
productID integer Product ID.
name string Product name.
code string First code of the item (by convention, this is used for company's internal code).
code2 string Second code of the item (by convention, this is used for EAN/UPC barcode).
code3 string Third code of the item.
supplierCode string Supplier's product code.
code5 string Code 5 of the item. "Extra product codes" module must be enabled.
code6 string Code 6 of the item. "Extra product codes" module must be enabled.
code7 string Code 7 of the item. "Extra product codes" module must be enabled.
code8 string Code 8 of the item. "Extra product codes" module must be enabled.
netPrice number Default sales price of the product, excluding VAT
groupID integer ID of assignment group.
groupName string Name of assignment group.
categoryID integer
categoryName string
brandID integer
brandName string
priorityGroupID integer
priorityGroupName string
supplierID integer
supplierName string
cost number Product cost
status string Product status, possible statuses are 'ACTIVE', 'NO_LONGER_ORDERED', 'NOT_FOR_SALE' and 'ARCHIVED'. By default 'ACTIVE'.
pictureURL string Picture URL.

This API call returns error 1006 if Master list is not enabled on your account.