
Import a set of products into Master List, creating new products or updating existing ones.

You can create or update 1000 products at a time. To use this API call, configuration parameter "master_list_unique_field" must be defined. This parameter identifies which field contains a unique code and should be used for identification and matching. By default "code". The field must be one of the code fields.

For other Master List-related API calls, see findMasterListProducts and copyMasterListProductsToErply.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
data This parameter must contain a JSON array of products. Each array element contains the following fields:
Field nameTypeDescription
codeString (20)Product's code
code2String (20)Product's second code (by convention, EAN barcode)
code3String (20)Third code of the item
supplierCodeString (20)Supplier's product code
code5String (20)Code 5 of the item. "Extra product codes" module must be enabled.
code6String (20)Code 6 of the item. "Extra product codes" module must be enabled.
code7String (20)Code 7 of the item. "Extra product codes" module must be enabled.
code8String (20)Code 8 of the item. "Extra product codes" module must be enabled.
nameString (255)Product name
netPriceDecimal, max. 4 decimal placesDefault sales price of the product, excluding VAT
groupString (255)Matched to existing groups by name. If not found, a new one is created.
categoryString (255)Matched to existing categories by name. If not found, a new one is created.
brandString (255)Matched to existing brands by name. If not found, a new one is created.
priorityGroupString (255)Matched to existing priority groups by name. If not found, a new one is created.
supplierString (255)Matched to existing suppliers by name. If not found, a new one is created.
costDecimal, 2 decimal placesProduct cost
statusStringProduct status, possible statuses are 'ACTIVE', 'NO_LONGER_ORDERED', 'NOT_FOR_SALE' and 'ARCHIVED'. By default 'ACTIVE'.
pictureURLStringPicture URL
JSON string yes