This call is deprecated. We recommend to use Point of Sale API instead.
The corresponding new call is: GET /v1/cash/list.
Retrieve POS cash drops and cash payouts.
A cash drop can be recorded with API call POSCashIN and a payout with POSCashOUT. These operations are printed on the register's day-end Z Report.
By convention, a cash drop with an amount of 0 is an indicator of "No Sale", ie. just opening the drawer.
Parameter name | Description | Possible value | Required |
warehouseID | Warehouse ID. | integer | |
pointOfSaleID | Point of sale ID. | integer | |
employeeID | Employee ID. | integer | |
reasonID | Reason ID. | integer | |
dateTimeFrom | Beginning of the date interval for which you want to retrieve POS cash drops and cash payouts (deprecated alternative name: startDateTime). | ISO date and time string ("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") | |
dateTimeUntil | End of the date interval for which you want to retrieve POS cash drops and cash payouts (deprecated alternative name: endDateTime). | ISO date and time string ("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") | |
searchAttributeName | Name of attribute to search from. Both "searchAttributeName" and "searchAttributeValue" have to be specified. Error 1030 will be returned if value is an array. | string | |
searchAttributeValue | Attribute value to search for. Error 1030 will be returned if value is an array. | string | |
changedSince | Retrieve only items that have been added or modified since the specified timestamp. Use it to keep a local database in sync with Erply. | Integer (Unix timestamp) | |
recordsOnPage | Number of records API should return. By default 20, at most 100. | integer | |
pageNo | API returns at most recordsOnPage items at a time. To retrieve the next recordsOnPage items, send a new request with pageNo incremented by one. By default, API returns "page 1". | integer |
Field name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||
transactionID | integer | ID of the cash drop or cash payout transaction. In Erply, cash drops and payouts are stored in the same table, so there cannot be a cash drop and cash payout with the same ID. |
sum | Decimal | |||||||||||||
currencyCode | string | Currency code: EUR, USD. | ||||||||||||
currencyRate | Decimal | |||||||||||||
warehouseID | integer | Warehouse ID. | ||||||||||||
warehouseName | string | Warehouse name. | ||||||||||||
pointOfSaleID | integer | Point of sale ID. | ||||||||||||
pointOfSaleName | integer | Point of sale name. | ||||||||||||
employeeID | integer | Employee ID. | ||||||||||||
employeeName | string | Employee name. | ||||||||||||
dateTime | string | ISO date and time string ("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") | ||||||||||||
reasonID | integer | Reason ID. See getReasonCodes . |
comment | String (255) | |||||||||||||
added | integer | Unix timestamp. Creation time. | ||||||||||||
lastModified | integer | Unix timestamp. Last modification time. | ||||||||||||
attributes | array | Additional attributes. Each item looks like this: