
Retrieve physical stocktakings.

A physical stocktaking is an operation where inventory is manually re-counted; if actual count differs from the inventory quantity in Erply, the quantity in Erply is adjusted.

When physical stocktaking is completed, the stocktaking act must be confirmed. Any surplus items can then be taken into inventory with an Inventory Registration, and missing items subtracted with an Inventory Write-Off.

To retrieve all item counts in one specific stocktaking, see getStocktakingReadings. To start a new stocktaking (create a new stocktaking act), see saveStocktaking. To update quantities on an act, see saveStocktakingReadings and incrementStocktakingReading. To delete an act, see deleteStocktaking.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
stocktakingID integer
warehouseID integer
status Possible values: "CONFIRMED", "IN_PROGRESS". string
creationDateFrom The default value for this filter is today - 6 months. ISO date (yyyy-mm-dd)
creationDateTo The default value for this filter is today. ISO date (yyyy-mm-dd)
changedSince Retrieve physical stocktakings that have been added or modified since the specified timestamp. Integer (Unix timestamp)
orderBy By default 'stocktakingID'. string
orderByDir Sort direction: 'asc' (ascending order) or 'desc' (descending order). By default, items are sorted in ascending order. string
recordsOnPage Number of records API should return. By default 20, at most 100. integer
pageNo API returns at most recordsOnPage items at a time. To retrieve the next recordsOnPage items, send a new request with pageNo incremented by one. By default, API returns "page 1". integer


Field name Type Description
stocktakingID integer
warehouses string
prodgroupID integer Product group filter that was applied to the stocktaking.
productCategoryID integer Product category filter that was applied to the stocktaking.
brandID integer Brand filter that was applied to the stocktaking.
supplierID integer Supplier filter that was applied to the stocktaking.
locationInWarehouse string Location in warehouse filter that was applied to the stocktaking.
onlyItemsWithoutWarehouseLocation Integer (0 or 1) Whether the filter "only items without warehouse location" was applied to the stocktaking.
excludeReservations Integer (0 or 1) Whether the stocktaking was created to count all products in stock, or only the non-reserved items in stock (excluding lay-by items).
status string Possible values: "CONFIRMED", "IN_PROGRESS".
numberOfRows integer Number of rows in the stocktaking.
inventoryRegistrationID integer ID of the Inventory Registration linked to the stocktaking.
inventoryWriteOffID integer ID of the Inventory Write-Off linked to the stocktaking.
added integer Unix timestamp. Timestamp when the stocktaking was created.
addedByUserName String (16) An identifier referring to the user who created this stocktaking. This is NOT actually the user's name; it's just a string, at most 16 characters long. However, typically it matches the first 16 characters of the user's name.
addedByEmployeeID integer Employee ID who created the stocktaking.
confirmedTimestamp integer Unix timestamp. Timestamp when the stocktaking was confirmed.
confirmedByUserName String (16) An identifier referring to the user who confirmed this stocktaking. This is NOT actually the user's name; it's just a string, at most 16 characters long. However, typically it matches the first 16 characters of the user's name.
confirmedByEmployeeID integer Employee ID who confirmed the stocktaking.
lastModified integer Unix timestamp. Last modification time.