
This call is deprecated. We recommend to use Point of Sale API instead.

The corresponding new call is: POST /v1/giftcard/redeem/{id}.

Redeem a coupon that has been previously issued to a customer. All coupons accepted by the cashier have to be redeemed so that the coupons cannot be used again.

To just verify that a coupon is valid (before redeeming it), use verifyIssuedCoupon. To get the list of all issued coupons, use getIssuedCoupons.

redeemIssuedCoupon returns error 1040 if a coupon with such identifier has not been issued at all. If coupon has been redeemed already, API returns error 1041. If coupon has expired (and is thus not valid any more), API returns error 1045. If coupon is valid, API returns error 0.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
uniqueIdentifier A unique identifier for this printed coupon. String (20) yes
invoiceID Invoice the coupon was redeemed with.

If you want to save an invoice and redeem an associated coupon together in one bulk request, set this field to a special value: "CURRENT_INVOICE_ID". Normally, creating two records where one references the other cannot be done within one bulk request; you would have to retrieve one record's ID before you can create the other. This is a special workaround for savePayment, saveGiftCard, saveIssuedCoupon, redeemIssuedCoupon, and subtractCustomerRewardPoints.

Note that if saving the invoice results in an error, the payments, coupons etc. will be created and coupons redeemed nevertheless, but without a reference to any invoice. For better error checking you may still want to do saveSalesDocument as a separate request.
customerID Customer who redeemed the coupon integer
warehouseID Store or location where the coupon was accepted integer
pointOfSaleID Register where the coupon was accepted integer
employeeID Salesperson who accepted the coupon integer
timestamp Accept time integer Unix timestamp. yes


Field name Type Description
issuedCouponID integer ID of the redeemed coupon (however, this ID does not serve any purpose, so it does not need to be recorded)
couponID integer ID of coupon code
uniqueIdentifier String (20) Unique identifier of the coupon