
Add a new row to a supplier price list.

Contact Erply Helpdesk to enable Supplier Price Lists module on your account. (If not enabled, API returns error 1006.)

To create a supplier price list use the saveSupplierPriceList API call.

If you want to remove any items from the supplier price list, use the deleteProductsFromSupplierPriceList API call.
To edit products in the supplier price list use the editProductInSupplierPriceList API call.
To get the products from the supplier price list, use the getProductsInSupplierPriceList API call.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
supplierPriceListID Supplier price list ID. integer yes
productID Product ID. integer yes
price Discounted net sales price for a product. Price must be a non-negative decimal. number yes
amount Available only if Quantity discounts module is enabled on your account. The quantity threshold from which the specified price will apply.

Amount must be a non-negative integer. It is not possible to add the same product with the same amount twice.
**** **** The following fields are informative, and setting these values does not affect the behavior of API or back office.

Custom integrations can use these fields as they see fit, and implement the respective features — eg. enforce "Master Pack Quantity" and "Minimum Order Quantity" on a custom-built reordering form.
supplierCode Supplier Product Code. String(50)
masterPackQuantity Master Pack Quantity must be non-negative integer. integer
minimumOrderQuantity Minimum Order Quantity must be non-negative integer. integer
importCode Import Code. String(50)
countryID Country ID. integer
notes Notes. String(255)


Field name Type Description
supplierPriceListProductID integer ID of the created supplier price list row.