
Delete products from the supplier price list.

Contact Erply Helpdesk to enable Supplier Price Lists module on your account. (If not enabled, API returns error 1006.)

To add products to the supplier price list, use the addProductToSupplierPriceList API call.
To edit a product in the supplier price list, use the editProductInSupplierPriceList API call.
To retrieve the products that are on the supplier price list, use the getProductsInSupplierPriceList API>
This call requires you to know the IDs of the price list items. If you prefer to delete by product ID instead, see removeItemsFromSupplierPriceList.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
supplierPriceListID The supplier price list where the product rows will be deleted. integer yes
supplierPriceListProductIDs The rows to be deleted from the supplier price list. A comma-separated list, such as: 1,2,3.

You must send the IDs of price list row records — not product IDs. To find out the respective row IDs, call getProductsInSupplierPriceList first.
string yes


Field name Type Description
deletedIDs string The rows that were deleted. Comma-separated list of integers.
nonExistingIDs string A comma-separated list of row IDs that do not exist in this supplier price list.