
Clock in an employee.

Timeclock records are used for Time and Attendance Report. (If you have the module enabled on your Erply account, see Reports » Commission, timeclock » Time and Attendance Report.)

To clock out an employee, use clockOut. To retrieve all timeclock records, use getClockIns.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
employeeID Employee ID integer yes
pointOfSaleID Register ID. This may be omitted, but if one employee works in several locations, it becomes necessary to calculate the work hours in each location separately. integer
warehouseID integer
InUnixTime Clock-in time integer Unix timestamp. yes


Field name Type Description
employeeID integer
pointOfSaleID integer
InUnixTime Unix timestamp
warningAlreadyClockedIn Boolean If the exact same clock-in event — with the same timestamp — has already been recorded, API sets this flag to true. This is for information only.

USAGE NOTE: When you call clockOut, you need to include the clock-in timestamp, too. API needs this to match the clock-in and clock-out events.

On the other hand, this requirement makes data synchronization easier. If you have a number of local clock-in and clock-out events and need to send them all to the server, you may do it by sending all clock-ins first, followed by all clock-outs. In other words, you do not need to make sure that each employee's clock-in event is necessarily followed by the same employee's clock-out event.

This API call returns error 1006 if timeclock module is not enabled on your account.