Clock out an employee.
Timeclock records are used for Time and Attendance Report. (If you have the module enabled on your Erply account, see Reports » Commission, timeclock » Time and Attendance Report.)
To clock in an employee, use clockIn. To retrieve all timeclock records, use getClockIns.
Parameter name | Description | Possible value | Required |
employeeID | Employee ID | integer | yes |
pointOfSaleID | Register ID. This may be omitted, but if one employee works in several locations, it becomes necessary to calculate the work hours in each location separately. | integer | |
warehouseID | integer | ||
InUnixTime | Clock-in time. This is a required input parameter, since API uses it to find the correct timeclock record and update it. | integer | Unix timestamp. yes |
OutUnixTime | Clock-out time | integer | Unix timestamp. yes |
Field name | Type | Description |
employeeID | integer | |
pointOfSaleID | integer | |
InUnixTime | Unix timestamp | |
OutUnixTime | Unix timestamp | |
warningNotClockedInYet | Boolean | If there is no corresponding clock-in record yet, InventoryAPI automatically creates it and sets this flag to true. This is just for information. |
warningClockedOutAlready | Boolean | If the employee has already clocked out (ie., InventoryAPI finds the timeclock record with matching employee ID and clock-in time and notices it has already been closed), then clock-out time gets updated and InventoryAPI raises this flag. This is just for information. |
This API call returns error 1006 if timeclock module is not enabled on your account.