
Retrieve timeclock records.

An employee can be clocked in with API call clockIn and clocked out with clockOut.

Timeclock records are used for Time and Attendance Report. (If you have the module enabled on your Erply account, see Reports » Commission, timeclock » Time and Attendance Report.)

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
timeclockRecordID Timeclock record ID integer
employeeID Employee ID integer
warehouseID Warehouse ID integer
notClockedOut If set to 1, fetches only those timeclock records which have not been closed yet Integer (0 or 1)
inUnixTimeFrom Unix timestamp
inUnixTimeUntil Unix timestamp
outUnixTimeFrom Unix timestamp
outUnixTimeUntil Unix timestamp


Field name Type Description
timeclockRecordID integer
employeeID integer
warehouseID integer
InUnixTime integer Unix timestamp. Clock-in time
OutUnixTime integer Unix timestamp. Clock-out time. If employee has not clocked out yet, this field is set to 0.

This API call returns error 1006 if timeclock module is not enabled on this account.