
Edit an existing record in reward point history where a customer has earned reward points.

The history (and transactionIDs) can be retrieved with getEarnedRewardPointRecords.

Under normal circumstances, you should not use this method; this is only for transferring points history from one customer to another, or for correcting errors in points history. To add or remove points, use subtractCustomerRewardPoints and addCustomerRewardPoints instead.

Related API calls for editing reward point usage history are getUsedRewardPointRecords and editUsedRewardPointRecord.

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
transactionID Record ID. integer yes
customerID Change customer ID on the record. integer
invoiceID Change invoice ID on the record (the sale that earned the points). integer
createdUnixTime Change the timestamp when the reward points were earned. Unix timestamp
expiryUnixTime Change the expiry timestamp for these reward points. Unix timestamp
pointOfSaleID Change register ID.
Available only if "Reward point extras" module is enabled on your account.
employeeID Change cashier who processed the sale.
Available only if "Reward point extras" module is enabled on your account.
description Change the comment.
Available only if "Reward point extras" module is enabled on your account.


Field name Type Description
transactionID integer Transaction ID.