Retrieve your custom objects.
Erply has an object storage where you can store custom data for plug-ins, integrations etc.
For other object storage functions, see getObjects, saveObject, deleteObject (which allow to manipulate whole objects), and incrementAttributeValue, decrementAttributeValue — which provide a way to atomically increment or decrement one numeric field of a specific object (eg. to implement a counter).
Parameter name | Description | Possible value | Required |
objectID | Object ID. Retrieve one specific object. | integer | |
group | Group name. Retrieve all objects from one specific group. A group is like a "database table" for your custom relational objects. All objects in one group should have approximately the same data fields. Object IDs are globally unique (ie., not per-group unique); if you look up an object by ID, leave the "group" field unspecified. |
string | |
searchAttributeName1 searchAttributeValue1 |
Search for an object that has a specific field value. For example, if you using object storage to store vehicles (that have a license plate number), you may look up a vehicle with the following query: searchAttributeName1 = "licensePlate", searchAttributeValue1 = "ABC1234" .It is possible to use only one attribute filter right now, although searching by multiple attributes may be supported in the future. |
String String |
partnerKey | To use object storage, you need an API partner key. Contact Erply customer support to get one. Will return error 1016 if invalid. | string | yes |
recordsOnPage | Number of records API should return. By default 20, at most 100. | integer | |
pageNo | API returns at most recordsOnPage items at a time. To retrieve the next recordsOnPage items, send a new request with pageNo incremented by one. By default, API returns "page 1". | integer |
Field name | Type | Description |
objectID | integer | |
group | string | |
attributes | array | Array, each item in which has the following parameters: attributeName - String - name of the attribute attributeType - String - type of the attribute attributeValue - value of the attribute. |