
Create or update an object.

Erply has an object storage where you can store custom data for plug-ins, integrations etc.

For other object storage functions, see getObjects, saveObject, deleteObject (which allow to manipulate whole objects), and incrementAttributeValue, decrementAttributeValue — which provide a way to atomically increment or decrement one numeric field of a specific object (eg. to implement a counter).

Input parameters

Parameter name Description Possible value Required
objectID Object ID
If this parameter is present the specified object will be updated.
group Object group. Think of it as a database table — all objects in one group should have the same structure and same fields.

Note: when updating an existing object, do not change its group. Doing this will result in two objects: the original one and the updated one.

The group is required even when updating an existing object.
string yes
partnerKey This request can only be called if you have our partnerKey. Will return error 1016 if invalid. string yes
***** Object fields. You can specify as many fields as you want. Replace # with a sequential number: 1 for the first field, 2 for the second field and so on.

When updating an existing object, you only have to list those fields you want to update. Other attributes will automatically remain as-is.
attributeName# Field name. Name can only contain the following symbols: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dash and underscore. string
attributeType# Field type, possible types are 'string', 'integer' and 'float'. By default 'string'. string
attributeValue# Field value. string


Field name Type Description
objectID integer ID of the created (or updated) object